Добавил (Added by): Ирина
Клуб, сфера общения: Бизнес - Business, Прочее - Other, Путешествия - Travelling, Мода - Fashion, Клуб преподавателей
Возраст, Знак зодиака - Age, Zodiac sign: 29, Cancer
Пол, Возрастная группа - Sex, Age group: Ж - Взрослый, Female - Adult
Семья, Дети - Family, Children:: married,1 child
Ваше Xобби - Your hobbies:: English, Business
Ваша работа (учеба) - Occupation (studies): Businesswoman
Образование - Qualifications: Interpreter
Темы для общения - Тopics for discussion: Any
Язык общения - Communication language: English
Уровень языка общения - Level of communication language : ADVANCED-5 уровень (продвинутый)
Время общения -(London=00:00)- Тime of communication: 6 am-6 pm
Девиз по жизни - Your life motto: All is for the better!
Цель общения - Aim of communication: I'd like to communicate with people from all over the world, to learn about their countries, life, traditions. I'd be glad to communicate in English and in Russian with those who need Russan practice.
Дополнительно - About yourself: I have a very sweet littlle daughter, she's very funny. I love her very much!